Sunday, March 30, 2008

FREE My Shopping Genie

The number of ways to make money on the internet amazes me more every day. The latest I have seen is, My Shopping Genie, a new software program which when downloaded to your computer. My Shopping Genie is a great new search engine widget for new and seasoned eBay shoppers - and great MONEY for affiliates. The marriage between My Shopping Genie and eBay kicked off on December 22, 2007. My Shopping Genie has currently surpassed the PreLaunch stage and is humming along nicely.

My Shopping Genie is a E-bay Affiliate referring business opportunity that developed unique patent pending software by My Net Universe Inc. to automatically connect shoppers to ebay.My Shopping Genie is in business in Dallas, TX , and is interested in doing business with you.

Here is how it works: You Give away the free My Shopping Genie software to everyone you know. Each time they do a search using a major search engine such as Google or Yahoo, the Genie appears, instantly finding and displaying what they are looking for live on eBay. When they buy something, you get paid directly from eBay.
The more free Genie's you give the more potential commissions you will earn. You don't have to sell anything. Just give away the free software, and eBay will pay you over and over and over again, whenever someone buys anything from eBay.

The reason I had not heard this before is that My Shopping Genie just debuted.

This certainly sounds interesting because it is partnered with eBay and the potential market is huge and just maybe this can fulfill some of the potential that programs hype all the time. If someone is just an avid ebayer, the software will save them a ton of time in searching for what is available on eBay without actually logging into the eBay site. If someone wants to use the affiliate program to make money and promote the product the choice is theirs.

If one were to chose to make money promoting My Shopping Genie, here is the potential. My Shopping Genie is the King of 100% Match Pay and Match Bonuses and the 3x5 matrix is a perfect fit with the 3x5 matrix in the DOWNLINE BUILDING CLUB. My Shopping Genie is now aggressively seeking Sales Leaders to roll this product out across the globe.

I know I enjoyed using my shopping genie for my eBay search tonight. So check out the My Shopping Genie.

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